Poptropica 24 Carrot Island Cheats

Poptropica lego. Poptropica is all about creativity. As the creators of Poptropica, we can’t imagine a better partner than LEGO to bring the world of Poptropica off the screen and into your hands. That’s why we’re asking you to help make a LEGO Poptropica project a reality. Our proposed set is a LEGO version of Dr. Poptropica, a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and see movie clips while they play.

This is the full solution, including spoilers. If you want toplay the game, there are hints online at the Poptropicasite.

Animal jam. 2020-3-17  Poptropica English Islands. Makes learning English an unforgettable adventure! Poptropica English Islands is a semi-intensive course developed to engage, motivate and involve young learners of English. It combines a solid ELT methodology including exciting stories, adventures and quests with a dynamic, pupil-centered Online World.

Poptropica Worlds 24 Carrot Island Walkthrough Thinknoodles

  1. Talk to the crying mayor, and he will tell you that the town isdeteriorating because all of their carrots have disappeared.
  2. Visit Charlie's Carrot Surplus where the clerk tells you hercat is missing, and may be by the farmhouse.
  3. Head left to Carrot Farm.
  4. Go to the old house and enter it by the chimney.
  5. Go right and take the bowl that you find next to thecouch.
  6. Go back to town and visit the Carrot King Diner. Take the bowlto the waitress and ask her to fill it up with milk.
  7. Go back to the farmhouse and put the bowl down where you foundit.
  8. Go to the right and climb the electric wire to get upstairs. Goleft until you reach the bathroom. Turn on the shower by twistingthe handles. The cat will jump out.
  9. Chase the cat back downstairs (this may take awhile, and theeasiest way is to just auto-chase by clicking on the cat). The catwill drink the milk and follow you.
  10. Go back to town and give the clerk her cat. She will give you acrowbar.
  11. Go to the Carrot Factory.

At the factory:

  1. Get the blueprints from the boarded window.
  2. Climb down near the icky water to the right of the building anduse the crowbar to get inside.
  3. Walk to the left until you find the Carrot Transporter.

Entering the factory: Poptropica cheats 40 thieves.

Cheats for 24 Carrot Island – Poptropica Walkthrough Parts 1 & 2. 24 Carrot Island walkthrough guide steps you through helping a small town figure out. The helpful video guide instead if you would like. 24 Carrot Island Written Walkthrough Part 1 When you first enter 24 Carrot. Welcome to the dystopian world of 24 Carrot Island! (Fun fact: “24 Carrot” is a pun on “24 karat”, meaning gold in its purest form.) Whiskers the cat. The first task is to return a missing cat (Whiskers) to her owner, Charlie. From Main Street, where you started, head left to the Carrot Farm. Keep going left until you reach a. Read this complete guide will all of the cheats for Poptropica 24 Carrot Island to learn how to solve it. The mayor of 24 Carrot Island is desperate for your help. Once you arrive by balloon on the island, jump down and go left towards the Carrot Farm. Walk past the farmer and jump up onto the roof of the house and then go down the chimney.

  1. Climb up and go right. The last two moving floor sections maytake a while to get past. (Try to stop between them.)
  2. Continue climbing up. Dodge the rat, and go up to the mainfactory room.
  3. To turn on the power, move the middle switch all the way downand the other two switches to the middle. Once it is turned on,jump up and hop on the moving claw near the top. This will take youright to the vent system.
  4. First, head for the PROCESSING ROOM (on the lower left). Usethe blueprints you found earlier to find your way around the ventsystem.
  5. On your way to the PROCESSING ROOM, you will pick up a pair ofwire cutters.
  6. If you enter the room, the robot guard will transport you outof there, to :
  7. The FREEZER room . In the FREEZER, you will find a securitybox. Cut the wires and leave.

The password:

  1. Go to the PRINTER ROOM. You can disable the rabbot earscontrolling the worker there (who is being mind-controlled). You dothis by pressing the ears' blue control button (C) when her back isturned. She will show you a piece of paper that prints out. (Itreads, 'System Password: fuzzybunny'.)

Rabbot ears:

  1. Go to the PROCESSING ROOM. With the security system disabled,the flying rabbot guard will not appear.
  2. Release the workers from their mind control. You will see thatthe evil Dr. Hare's plant is stealing all the island's carrots toprocess into Rocket Fuel chemicals. Go to the big metal doors onthe right that says EXIT. Because you don't have rabbot controlears, it drops you through the trap door instead. It will take youto a room with giant smashing machines.
  3. Make your way down the belt without getting squirted or smashedflat. At the far side, you will find a pair of rabbot ears. Climbout.

How to defeat Dr. Hare:

  1. Make sure you are wearing your rabbot ears when you go to EXITdoor.
  2. The door will open and Dr. Hare will be waiting for you. Heassumes you are under his control and orders you to launch theGIANT SPACE RABBOT.
  3. Climb up Dr. Hare's rabbot and go to the right side by thecomputer. Deactivate the person's rabbot ears so he will let youuse the computer. Type in the password from before (fuzzybunny) andthe task (launch rabbot).
  4. A little screen will pop up, kind of like a video game. Use thejoystick to steer the GIANT SPACE RABBOT into the meteors to crashit.
  5. When you defeat Dr. Hare and his rabbot, follow the releasedslave up the rope to the left, and go back to Main Street. All ofthe citizens are grateful.
  6. Talk to the mayor and he'll give you the 24 Carrot Islandmedallion.

Before you leave, check the farmhouse. The carrots are no longerbeing stolen.

(The sky is a pretty blue now, but its unclear whether that'sdue to stopping the fumes from the rocket fuel, or just a symbol ofthe better situation for the island.)

24 Carrot Island

In 24 Carrot, an evil rabbit is terrorizing the town and all it's citizens by stealing carrots, which is leaving the economy in shambles! It's your duty to defeat Dr. Hare, and bring peace back to the island. This is a very exciting island and longer than most other early ones.

Video Walkthrough

Poptropica Cheats for 24 Carrot Island

Let's have some rabbit stew! Hold it.. let's first talk with the mayor. So, it looks like this town has a carrot problem. No problem, we're here to get to the bottom of this! First we'll need some tools, so rush into Charlie's Carrot Supplies Co. The owner is giving away a free crowbar to anyone who can find her cat! Let's do this. Leave and run all the way left, to the farm. The farmhouse is boarded up, but you can get in through the chimney. You can see the mysterious paw tracks leading up there. Walk right and snatch up the milk dish. Hmm.. it needs to be filled. Speed out to Main Street and into the Carrot King Diner. Talk to the lady working there and she will be glad to fill up your bowl. Hey, who are these people on the bulletin board? Looks like they've been missing for a while. Run back to the farmhouse and you'll place the bowl. Then up to the top floor. From there go left and into the bathroom.
Flip on the water for the bathtub, and the cat will burst out! Chase it down to the milk dish by walking behind it. STAY BEHIND IT!!! If you don't, it will go backward. When the cat drinks the milk, it'll start following you. Take it to Charlie's Supplies, and claim your reward. Then race all the way right to the factory.
  1. go right as far as you can
  2. keep jumping up the tower until you reach the pipe
  3. jump up to the roof of the first building
  4. jump right, over the barrier, to the roof of the main building
  5. collect the vent blueprint.
Run right and drop into the water. Swim left and use that handy crowbar. Hooray! It's open. Run inside to start the real 24 Carrot adventure!
Go left and collect the Carrot Transporter. You don't actually need it, though. Jump up to the small ledge and then jump right, to the top. Time when the platforms will come up to dash across them. There is a small break between them. The first two are easy but the others get tougher. What I do is time how long they stay down, and then, the next time it does down, I count to that amount and run across at the end. A bit confusing, but it works. The first one is about 2 1/2 seconds, the second one is 4. At the end, jump up and you will see a hideous rat on the platform above. Jump up there when his back is turned, then take the detour pipe above past him. Then go up. Finally, you're out of the sewers!
You're now in the Engine Room. Walk left and you'll find the controls. Bring the first switch to the middle, second switch down, and the last one in the middle too. The lights and winch will power on. Run right, jump to the crates, and then to the platform above. Walk all the way left, jump to the barrels, then the crate, then the platform to the left. Wait for the winch, and when it comes, pounce on it! Jump off at the right end and enter the vent system. You have the blueprints to help you navigate. So make your way to the Processing Room. Remember that there are blowers everywhere. If you have trouble following the map, the video walkthrough should help. On your way, collect the Wire Cutters. In the Processing Room, you'll find that the security system is on. Hmm.. walk right and drop down. Hey! You will be teleported to the Freezer Room!
Oh man! How will you survive here? But quickly, find the Security System controls and use those wire cutters to cut.. well, all of the wires. The security system will shut off! Okay, good, but how will we get out of here? Climb the mountain of crates and jump to the lamp. Jump off left and you're free! Now the Processing Room is safe, but first we should make a detour to the Printing Room. Once there, you'll find some dangerous falling crates! You'll also find you can get past them because there is a pattern to how they come. They come in groups of 3, 4, 6, etc. Drop down at the end and run left. Whoa! What happened to this girl? Talk to her and you can distract her. When you do this you can turn off her mind-control thingy. She'll show you the system password. To escape, climb up the printer and keep climbing up. Then go to the Processing Room.

Poptropica 24 Carrot Island Cheats 2017

This time nobody will try to teleport you. Drop down to the ground and run right, freeing mind-controlled slaves as you go. Hey, these look like the missing people from the Carrot King Diner! It also looks like this Dr. Hare is liquefying carrots for some reason. So you've found the thief! At the end you will encounter a door for 'authorized bunny drones' only. Whatever. Go in. Uh-oh. You were dropped through a trapdoor! You're now in the Smelting Room, where Dr. Hare turns carrots into fuel. Walk left and drop down. It's a conveyor belt! Make your way right across it, avoiding the slammers and the hot carrot juice. At the end jump onto the pipe and jump up left. Collect the bunny ears, put them on, and leave the place. You look ugly, but now you can go through without being dropped. Hey, it's Dr. Hare! He thinks you're a bunny drone. Climb the 'rabbot', the invention Dr. Hare has been working on to fly to space and mind-control all of Poptropica! So that's why he needs the carrot juice. When you reach the right paw, jump off to the computer and free the guy there. Then click on the computer.

24 Carrot Island Walkthrough Thinknoodles

Enter the password from the Printing room.. 'fuzzybunny'. Use the command 'launch rabbot'. Now let's have a little fun. You steer his rabbot using the joystick, much like a video game. But this time you gotta crash the ship against the asteroids! After the third hit Dr. Hare realizes what you're up to. One more hit and.. ka-blam! Dr. Hare is no more. Yes! Now follow the guy up the rope to Main Street. Everyone is happy now. But wait.. isn't something missing? You island medallion! Go to the Mayor and you will get it, along with 100C!

Poptropica Walkthroughs And Cheats

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