Poptropica Titanic

Is there a Titanic theme on Poptropica? Yes, there is. You are able to find Titanic theme in the SOS Island. In this Island, you will be on a sinking ship and you have to rescue people there. This island is fun and challenging to play. So, do you want to know the walkthrough of this island? Here we go.

You can find the full SOS Island Walkthrough below. On this island adventure you will notice that it follows a similar story, The Titanic. The story behind it is that a whale watching expedition hit an iceberg and is now sinking.

In SOS island, you will start by landing in a shipwreck. In this situation, walk over the door of the Pequod and you will surprise because you cannot open it. Why? There is a big piece of ice! So, the thing that you have to do here is going to the left and jump up until you can get to the other big ice piece which hangs above the first ice piece. Go to on top of one of the life boats on the ship and keep going until you are able to come to a place with a big ice piece.

You will be in a place with a big ice piece. If you arrive there, click the ice and the ice will fall and break the other piece so that you will have a clear path for the door. Now, go inside the Pequod and go up the little staircase. You can try the doors on the first floor but there is either something on them or they are broken. So, where do we have to go? You have to enter into a door written “Bridge” and go up the stairs. After that, you will hear the captain of the ship calling the survivors. So, you need to talk to him and he will tell that he will go down with the ship, unless all the passengers are rescued. So, you have to rescue the passengers.

Now, click on the small knob to the left and then enter some of the rooms on the lower deck. You have to go out of that room and look for room 6 to the far left. When you find it, get into it. Then, there will be a man who calls for a whale to help him. Unfortunately, it is an evil whale that slammed into the ship. So, rescue him and talk to him. You both will leave the ship and he will give you a Whale Song Gadget. After that, rescue other passengers and then go back in. Then, you will see that the water level is higher so you need to hurry. Get into the door written “Ballroom” and there, you will see a poor girl who is hanging onto a chandelier since she cannot swim.

Then, you have to jump down and grab the sparkling bottle by the juice bar. Get the bottle and then walk swim over to the window on the right. After that, click on your bottle icon and shoot it to the crack on the window. Then, the level of water will raise and you have to go to the window on the left. But, it also has a crack on it so you have to do the same. The water level will rise again and you will be level with the girl. You have to get behind her and push her to the door. Even though you can save her, the bad news is that the ship is at 90 degree angle now.

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Related Post 'Poptropica Titanic Walkthrough'

Hey guys! This is White Ice, bringing to you a walkthrough of S.O.S. Island! Let’s get started.

When you land on the island, go to the left, and you’ll see some passengers escaping the sinking ship. One of the crew of the ship will then ask you to help evacuate the remaining passengers(why can’t she do it herself huh?).

The entrance of the ship is blocked, so go up to the top of

the ship(go up using the left side) and you’ll see a huge chunk of snow just waiting to be pushed. Go ahead and push it, and it’ll break up the ice covering the entrance.
Head in, and go to the Bridge, which is right beside the exit door. Go up to the second level, and talk to the captain. Then, turn the knob to the left so it that turns green.

Now, after talking to the Captain, you’ll be able to go in the locked rooms. Go ahead and go intoRoom 6, and you’ll see this guy stuck in a mountain of junk. Help him get up, and he’ll give you aWhale Caller.

After you save the whale fanatic guy, the ship will sink even more. Now, you’ll drown in the ship if you don’t get to air fast enough.

Head into the ballroom, and when you go in there will be woman stranded on the chandelier(I’M GONNA SWING ON THE CHANDELIER) because she can’t swim. Swim to the juice bar, and pick up the bottle there.

Now, swim over to the stairs, where you came in, and click on the bottle on your bottom left corner. Shoot the cap through the gap in the wall, and it’ll break the glass and release more water, thus letting the woman stand on something floating.

Go to the left widow, and do the same thing. The water level will rise even more.

Now, push her towards the stairs. (Honestly, why doesn’t she know how to swim???) Yay! You’ve saved one more passenger.

The bad news is, the ship is now angled at 90 degrees. Yikes. Enter the ship by climbing to the top. It might take a few tries, as the snow is really slippery. Head to the bottom, and stop where the water begins. You’ll see a gadget, so click on that. It will raise the water level, and enable you to go in the vents.

We’re in the ballroom again! Atlantis 1 poptropica. As you swim up, watch out for the jellyfish lurking about(just like Red Thunder, right?) Swim to the top, and you’ll see a valve spraying something blue. Change the direction of the yellow arrows, and make the blue end of the pipes flow to the red end.

Head up, and you’ll see a girl who’s stuck behind steam.

So, basically just turn the valves, then go to the other end(same colour) then turn the other valve.

When you get the steam to stop, she will only leave the ship when you tell her the captain told her to leave. Then, when you get to the iceberg, you will tell her that you lied. She will get angry, but then will give you herPipe Wench.

Now, head back in the ship. Poptropica virus hunter cheats. The previous entrance you used on the top is now blocked, so head in through the side.

Go down and to the bottom left and head down, then exit in the ballroom through the white door. Then, go up and enter the vent. When you enter the vent, go into the freezer.

When you go into the freezer, break the crates and bring the frozen chef out. Then, push him out of the freezer. The path to microwave him is a little complicated. I got stuck a few times.

  1. Push him to the right and down
  2. Push him to the left
  3. Push the crate under him down. All the way down to the whole.
  4. Push him to the left, over the crate, then right.
  5. Push the crate under him all the way down, not the corner hole on the left, so that he doesn’t get stuck later
  6. Don’t push him down yet. Go down first, and push the lettuce box over the crate that we pushed into the hole.

Push him down, then to the right, then left, and beside the oven

Yay! You’ve saved another passenger! But the Captain is still on board(why don’t they go and save him?). So, head in and swim to the exit on the left, then in the ballroom, swim up to the vent in the top left corner. Avoid the air currents and the jellyfish. Then, you’ll be in the main hall. Swim to the vent on the right.

Here is where it get tricky. Avoid the squids, and make sure you have enough oxygen, or you’ll have to start over. When you’re done, you’ll reach here.

The captain is in the next room.

Poptropica cheats sos titanic

Swim around to the bottom left, and you’ll find the captain. He’ll think that you’ll never make it out of the ship.

Sos Walk

Use the Whale Song Gadget and the pipe wench to call the whale to help you. The whale will eat you, then… Blow you out again?!

Poptropica Titanic

When you go back to the iceberg, the captain will give you his medallion.

Sos Island Poptropica

Until next time,

How To Beat Poptropica Titanic

White Ice